Monthly Archives: February 2012

2 new Leeds philosophers!

I’m delighted to announce two new hires at Leeds: Paolo Santorio and Matthew Smith.

Paolo received his PhD from MIT in 2011 and is currently a postdoc at the ANU. He works on the philosophy of language, mind and epistemology, with some interests in metaethics, and his paper ‘Reference and Monstrosity’ is forthcoming in The Philosophical Review.

Matthew Smith received his PhD from UNC Chapel Hill in 2004 and currently works at Yale. He works on moral and political philosophy, and has a bunch of papers in places like Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, Philosophers’ Imprint, Philosophical Studies, etc.

These are two outstanding philosophers, and will make a great contribution to our Centre for Metaphysics and Mind and our Centre for Ethics and Metaethics.

Metaphysical Mayhem!

I’ve been asked to post the following:

Metaphysical Mayhem is back! Rutgers University will be hosting a 5-day summer school for graduate students May 14-18, 2012. John Hawthorne, Katherine Hawley, Ted Sider, Jonathan Schaffer, and Dean Zimmerman will lead the seminars on a variety of topics in metaphysics, including: natural properties, composition as identity, grounding, metaphysical explanation, and stuff like that…

For more information, see: